As with any movement program, individual results may vary. However, Eileen has seen through her 30+ years as a health and pain expert that the majority of people who consistently follow the exercises taught in the Private Club, performing any necessary modifications to ensure no pain occurs repetitively during the movements, do experience significant reductions in their pain. Many have achieved complete resolution of their symptoms over time.
The best part is training your body in authentic 3-plane motion as we do in the Private Club helps to restore function to your ENTIRE body. So while you focus on restoring areas of your body that are limited, you’re very likely to simultaneously improve your stability, mobility, strength, and flexibility in the process. You may notice things like walking better, standing longer without pain, moving with improved ease throughout your day, and navigating stairs better.
Moreover, trying to fix your pain through 3-plane movement as taught in the Private Club is a safe and effective training method. It’s certainly worth trying before opting for more aggressive, invasive, and risky treatments like surgery, joint replacement, etc. If it’s safe to wait for these options, there’s no potential harm and only potential benefit.
Results vary from one person to the next. As a general rule, the longer you’ve been dealing with the pain, the longer it can take to resolve it; but no always. You may also notice that as the pain and symptoms go away in one area, another body part may start complaining. This often happens if you have a long-standing issue (many people have chronic pain for decades) and your body wants to be sure you don’t forget it’s there and wants to be resolved. If you’ve been dealing with pain for a long time, many body parts may have learned to compensate to keep you going. As you train your body authentically, it can be like peeling back an onion. You will ultimately get to the main culprit and achieve a more permanent resolution.
That said, many people start noticing improvements in pain after even 1 or 2 workouts!
One of the key principles of the Private Club is work where you’re successful. We DO NOT subscribe to “no pain, no gain” (more about that in the Club). This means that many modifications are provided for the movements in EVERY class. Even if you can only move a few inches/centimeters, and need support while moving, continue working where you are successful and you will see improvements over time. Your body is designed to thrive and improve with successful movements, not movements that hurt or put you at risk of losing your balance. All starting points are welcome!
If you are concerned about your ability to perform the exercises, click here to try a free class. With the Free Membership, you will get access to the Movement Performance Assessment (MPA) and Movement Class #1 (along with many other great resources). If you are able to perform that class, with or without modifications, it’s a good sign that you’ll be able to work through the program and achieve success.
Pain is complex and has many causes. That’s why the teachings in the Private Club are not only limited to movement. You will find content related to diet & lifestyle factors that contribute to pain, other system considerations (aside from muscles and joints), and information about specific diagnoses (like plantar fasciitis, sciatica, etc.) that can help you address your pain from multiple angles by being informed of the pros and cons of many commonly advised treatments, and what is seen to work.
If you’ve tried exercises, traditional physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, and other methods only to find the pain coming back in the same or another area, the Private Club is DEFINITELY worth a try. This is a good indication that your treatment plan was likely focusing on the symptoms / painful area and NOT getting to the culprit / root cause. You are not a body part. You are a whole body and everything is connected to everything else. This is often not well understood by movement and healthcare professionals.
The exercises in the Private Club are all modifiable for any starting point and generally safe as long as you follow the instructions to not elicit pain with repetition. That said, we do not know what’s going on in your body or in your world. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.
ONLY YOU can know if you are in sufficient physical condition to perform these movements. Please only proceed with this program if you accept full responsibility and feel that you are able to undertake a movement program of this type. If you want to try it out before joining, click here to try the free class.
If at any time you are exercising beyond your current physical abilities, or you feel any discomfort, pain, dizziness or nausea that causes you alarm, you should discontinue exercise immediately and consult a health care provider.
It is best to train your body 4-5x/week until you have met your goals (resolved pain, improved motion, improved balance). The workouts are mostly ~ 30 minutes in length.
Once you are where you want to be, you can decrease to 2-3x/week to maintain.
Performing 3 plane exercise as taught in the Private Club before physically demanding tasks or sports activities can play an important role in injury prevention AND improve your sports performance. It will prepare your body for the activity and decrease potential harm or injury. If you enjoy other workouts such as weightlifting, you will learn to employ the same foundational movement truths and reap even more benefit from your time spent training in the Private Club, as well as decrease your risk of injury. You’ll quickly see that the movements & exercises taught in the Club will become an important part of all your other workouts, activities, and day-to-day life
Yes, Eileen devotes time to work privately with those who seek guidance for specific issues that haven’t been helped elsewhere. She sees you as a WHOLE person, not a body part, to locate your culprit(s). Please click here to inquire about a comprehensive Initial Pain Consultation.
Please note that individual consultations are not part of the Private Club membership. The Private Club was designed as an affordable, on-demand way for you to get out of pain on your own time using the material & plans provided. That said, many people who work with Eileen join the Private Club after their one-on-one work to maintain their success, keep active, and continue training their body for real life.
The Move Without Pain Private Club is an on-demand training platform designed to help you get out of pain. Using the Movement Performance Assessment™ and unique Move Without Pain™ teachings, you'll train away the pain that's been stopping you from doing the things you love to do every day.
© 2025 Have Lifelong Wellbeing, LLC.